Why does it have so much grip on a person’s thought life when it’s initiated and sustained? What’s the mystery behind the contact of two lovers who are naked that leads them into a state of indescribable sexual pleasure?
I have recently discovered some things about sex that many haven’t discovered in recent years. I’m not a psychologist but I have discovered that when one angle of sex is reached, it becomes somehow difficult to dissociate oneself because a bonding has occurred.
It takes a higher level of God’s grace and discipline not to walk the other angles when one is reached.
Sex is not only a force that attracts two people together, it has some different dimensions in it which goes beyond what many can comprehend.
Why does the body crave for more sex just after an encounter?
Here are the dimensions about sex which you must know and keep yourself away from unless you’re married.
1. Emotional – soul tie
Sex is first emotional before it becomes physical. The mind is a powerful force that drives a man and a woman together to express sexual intimacy.
When two people are mutually attracted together emotionally, there’s a yearning for sexual intimacy that occurs between them when a flame of sex is sparked up in their discussion.
Before you’d know it, they’ll become so attached that they’d talk for hours over the phone or for few minutes when they see before the act is implemented.
Frequent conversation with the opposite sex brings up this kind of emotional bonding. This is why you have to be very careful when you hang out with the opposite sex.
Watch how you get close to him or her. When boundaries aren’t set, lines would be broken and when the smoke isn’t put off, the flames of sexual passion will build up.
This is why the Bible tells us to guard our heart with all diligence for out it are the issues of life (Prov. 4:23). Sex is also one of the issues of life. In fact it’s a great issue that has destroyed lives.
Beware of emotional intimacy in that relationship before it leads you to where you never wished. When your souls are bonded, there is every tendency that sexual intimacy would creep up.
Remember, a person can have soul tie without sex when their souls are closely knitted together by affection, attention and attraction.
2. Physical – body contact
When two emotionally charged souls comes in contact, sex will be initiated unhindered. This would start form unimportant or disregarded body contact such as intimate hugging, kissing, petting, caressing and fondling of each other’s sexual organs.
You can never underestimate the effect of the power of touch or bodily contact when you are emotionally attached to a person. It will drive you into a different realm of sexual ecstasy.
At this junction, sexual intercourse is implemented and when there’s sexually transmitted diseases, it’ll be shared mutually.
Be careful of how you express affection with the opposite sex who is not your spouse, your intentions might be pure while theirs isn’t. There’s nothing as ‘normal’ between two people who are in ‘lust’. It could just trigger an action which would lead to sex.
And when sexual intercourse is done, it establishes a stronger bond between the parties involved. The process of two becoming one flesh will be established.
3. Spiritual bond – Unseen contact
Only few people would understand the spiritual effect of sex when it’s done. There’s a bonding that’s not seen when two people have sex.
This bond causes them to fuse together. There’s an exchange of body fluids, though it’s physical but it has a spiritual connection. It is as a result of this that a person’s life can be controlled or manipulated in an evil way when there’s sexual intimacy.
How are glories, virtues and destinies shortchanged? It’s through the unseen spiritual bonding that occurs through sex.
In case you disagree, ask many people, especially older ones who knows the consequence of premarital and extramarital sex. They’ll tell you that there’s more than meet the eye. It’s not just fun but a world entirely.
Don’t fragment your destiny on a platter of sexual immoralities and have your glorious life reduced to a piece of bread.
4. Verbal connection
I have come to realize that sexual intimacy also has a bearing on the kind of words you speak or use when talking with the opposite sex.
A woman cannot agree to sex if you use harsh words on her, this is often true about the case of rape victims who made their way forcefully.
But when erotic conversations ensues or words that ignites sexual feelings and passion, sexual purity will then be jeopardized amongst singles. Remember, pleasant words are as honeycomb; sweet to the soul…(Proverbs 16:24).
Beware of words that ignites sexual feelings when you converse on phone. Be careful of using emoticons that sends sexual signals. These are the devil’s strategies that gets many people into sexual immoralities and sin, even in the body of Christ.
This is an era where pleasure is leading many to sexual sins before and outside marriage. Be careful of emotional intimacy, physical contact and conservation that would ignite the feelings of sex, especially as singles with the opposite sex. You can only be free from being a victim of this when you know the truth and live by it.
Written by Mayowa Adeniyi
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