Young inspiring entrepreneurs are springing out everywhere and Russia is not different.Here are three major young russian entreprenurs who will become household names in some few months to come:
Dmitry Aksenov,co-founder, DigitalGenious

The startup Digital Genious,founded
by Mr. Aksenov, carries on human-like conversation with people via SMS,
bringing artificial intelligence to customer service. Mr. Aksenov has
been studying robotics and artificial intelligence since he was a child
in Russia. Eventually, he went to high school in London after convincing
his parents that it was a much better place to pursue his passion for
robotics. He came up with the idea for the company while still in
university in the U.K.He is just 23yrs old.
Alexander Debelov,co-founder, Virool
A native of Rostov-on-Don in the south of Russia, Mr. Debelov moved to
California when he was a schoolboy. He went to Babson College,
specializing in training entrepreneurs. In California he met Steve
Wozniak and told him he intended to create “a new Apple.”Vitrool was founded in 2012, and today it is one of the world’s largest
platforms to promote videos online. The number of employees has reached
100, and it has more than 30,000 customers around the world.
Eugenia Kuyda, 29 years old, co-founder, Luka

Eugenia Kuyda is a former Moscow-based journalist and restaurant critic. Her creation,Luka,
is a recommendation service based on your history and preferences. The
app looks a lot like an SMS conversation, and learns whether you are a
vegetarian or a cheese addict. Originally developed in Russia,
Luka officially launched in San Francisco in the beginning of 2015.
Currently, the app gives users meal recommendations for over 2,000
restaurants in the Bay Area.
Compiled by Antonina Dominika
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