Does God
have you in a waiting season?
Remember: When
God makes you wait for something, it’s not his way of depriving you, but rather
his means of changing you.
Because God
is sovereign over all, this is applicable to all of life. The big things like a
spouse, children, a new job. Or the little things like waiting for a text
message response, or waiting in line at your favorite restaurant.
In life,
you’ll wait. You’ll seldom enjoy it. But you’ll have to go through it.
Is there any
purpose for your waiting?
Here’s at least 4 reasons:
1) For your personal sanctification. God’s plan A for your
life is to make you like Jesus (1 Thessalonians 4:3). Usually, the the longer
you wait, the harder you’ll cling to God and his promises. It may not always
feel like this, but in the process of waiting, spiritual transformation is
happening in your life.
2) To reveal your heart’s true motives. God tests you not to
find out how you’ll do (he already knows), but to show you, deep down, what’s
really in your heart. Sin and idols in your heart will appear when you wait. Emotions
of disappointment may come. But this emotion — all and revealed emotions — are
paradoxically a mercy from God.
Jon Bloom says it best: “If you find that sin is feeding
your emotion of disappointment, then your event of disappointment is a kindness
meant to lead you to repentance.”
3) To increase your faith. If God always gave you what you
want when you wanted it, he would be an evil Father. Think about it.
Considering our sinful nature, if you never had to wait, you would never have a
reason to trust God. We would do our own thing. We would never pray. We would
not revere him for his character. If we never waited, our lives would be much
But God will make you wait. Often. And he usually does not
give you things on your timing. But as you wait, deeper trust is instilled, and
consequently, your faith increases.
4) To instill appreciation in you. I got this idea from a
Desiring God article. And it is so true. You waited for the job … and then you
finally got it. You were single until age 38 … and then you finally got
married. You couldn’t have children for the first 10 years of marriage, and
then, behold! A baby boy! It’s hard to take certain things for granted when God
makes you wait for them.
I can think of several times in my own life when God made me
wait for something. During the process, I thought like the Psalmist: “How long,
O LORD?” For a few of the occasions, when the wait was over, it was like I
forgot I even waited. The joy of God’s faithfulness superseded the dread of
waiting. This has happened to me many times. And this is the testimony of so
many others. God will make you wait. He is never late. But he is never early,
either — His timing and purposes are always perfect.
Written by David Qaoud
David Qaoud is a Christian, writer, and blogger from St.
Louis, MO. He blogs regularly at You can connect with him
on Facebook.
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